Press release-ข่าวประชาสัมพันธ์

Special lecture on: "European Healthcare System: A Comparative Analysis - Examining integration and Preventive Care Strategies"

pictures (1) visitors 26 time
pictures (1) visitors 26 time
ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AIHD), Mahidol University in cooperation with CONNECT invites you to join a special lecture on: "European Healthcare System: A Comparative Analysis - Examining integration and Preventive Care Strategies."
Date: 23-24 May 2024 (13.00 - 15.00 hrs. - Bangkok Time)
Highlights of the seminar
- Explore France's Health System
- Analyze European Approached to Preventive Care
- Gain Insights from Renowned Experts
For any further information and registration, please contact Mr. Jeevan Bhatta via