AUN-HPN Secretariat Office

is located at the ASEAN Institute for Health Development, Mahidol University. Our office serves as the Secretariat of the AUN-HPN network. Beyond our responsibilities in office management and meeting coordination, the AUN-HPN Secretariat Office has been actively involved in the development of the Health Promotion Database, publishing e-newsletters on a quarterly basis, and maintaining the network's website to keep our members updated on the latest developments.


  • Using health promotion as a unifying theme, nurture (through inter-professional education) strong collaboration among various health-care personnel in the ASEAN region.
  • Facilitate capacity building activities in the area of health promotion to reduce the capacity gap among ASEAN countries.
  • Facilitate exchange and mobility for students, university faculty staff and health-care professional for experiential learning and research collaboration on issues related to health promotion.
  • Work collaboratively toward empowerment of communities for good health in the region.
  • Advocate for relevant health policies on a regional scale related to health promotion.
  • Minimize the economic burden of health care for the region through health promotion.
  • Manage and raise funds to support network activities for sustainability


  • To create a discussion platform for stakeholders (policy-maker, health professionals, university students, communities, and other partners) involved in health promotion activities within the ASEAN region for intellectual exchange and experience-sharing on the successes, lesson-learned and good practices.
  • To document outcomes of current health promotion policies and practices being implemented by participating universities with a view to promoting effective health promotion policies and practices in cross-border collaboration among ASEAN universities.
  • To promote the roles of universities in health promotion, particularly on action-oriented policy that related to community and public health.
  • To proactively promote platforms for knowledge sharing in the area of health promotion.
  • To make recommendations for further development of the collaboration framework on interdisciplinary health promotion in the East Asian region.